Counter Hack Quote Of The Day

"Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, you can rock all you want, but it doesn't get you anywhere."
- Landon Massel

Its Time For Keyloggers ! (step 1 of hacking)  

Posted by Hitesh

Keylogers basically store all key strokes(could be password or anything typed)

Step 1 : Download Ardamax Keylogger

Tutorial :

1) Now install this after installing you will find adramax icon in tray icons list

2) Right click on that icon and select register with a key

registration name is
and registration serial is

3) Now right click and choose REMOTE INSTALLATION

4) A wizard will comeup .. press next for 4 times

5) then it will ask for updates , uncheck it

6) Now click next , now give the self destruction date to next 3-2 months

7) Now they will ask that send logs every : choose every 5 minutes

8) deleivery method select it as email

9) now click next now send to give here your own email id

10) smtp host-->press find

11) Username : give anything as username and password now do next for 4 times ..

12) You will get a message saying - : deplosive package made successfully

13) Your htv.exe file will apear ..

Send this file to the victim as soon as he double clicks it, you will get his keystrokes in every 5 mins in email id provided ..

they may come in spam / junk ....... Happy hacking



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