Counter Hack Quote Of The Day

"Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, you can rock all you want, but it doesn't get you anywhere."
- Landon Massel

Mapwise Strategy : De_Inferno  

Posted by Hitesh

Counter-Terrorist (CT) Side:
Pistol Round #1: 2 banana site, 3 stay back in main site.
Pistol Round #2: 2 play very aggressive at banana at start of the round. If the Ts don't look to be coming banana, the 2 can either push down banana or your team can leave 1 spotting down banana while 1 falls back to main site. The other 3 stay back in main site.

Gun Round Setup #1: 1 trying to spot down banana with awp, 1 going banana then back to main site if Ts don't rush it, 1 in apartment or in site watching apartment, 1 left middle, 1 right middle.
Gun Round Setup #2: 2 at banana, 1 in apartment or in site watching apartment, 1 left middle, 1 right middle.
Gun Round Setup #3: 2 at banana, 1 watching apartment from in site, 2 right middle (side farthest from apartment).

Terrorist (T) Side:
Player1: AK
Player2: AK
Player3: AWP
Player4: AK
Player5: AK

T side:

First Round T side:
Buys:Player1 buys 2 flashes, nade or smoke
Player2 buys 2 flashes, smoke
Player3 buys armor
Player4 buys armor
Player5 buys 2 flashes, smoke or nade

*Wait a few seconds in case of nade stack.
*Player2, Player3, Player1 move up banana as quietly as possible. WATCH FOR PUSHED UP CTS.
*Player3 stays at stairs watching up mid.
*Player5 goes alt-middle and then lays down smoke and then flashes mid.
*Player2 lays down smoke cutting off CT spawn from banana bomb site.
*Player4 moves up to help at banana.
*Flash Banana site and then Players 1-4 take the site. Player5 watches the flank unless the rest of the team needs help.
*Plant and cover bomb.

Banana strat: (Player2 has bomb)
*Player3 tries to quick pick banana(spawn dependent) with the awp.
*Player2, Player1, Player3 then move up banana as quietly as possible.
*Player4 watches mid.
*Player5 watches apartment and alt-mid area.
*Player2 lays down smoke cutting off CT spawn from banana bombsite.
*Player1 flashes.
*Sit back and wait for CTs to flash/nade back.
*Player5 distracts at main site with smokes/flashes at middle.
*Player4 moves to banana.
*Player1 lays down his smoke in the same place Player2 did cutting off CT spawn from banana site.
*Unload flashes, and take the site.
*Player5 watches the flank unless the rest of the team needs help.
*Plant bomb and cover bomb.

Banana FAKE strat: (Player2 has bomb)
*Player3 tries to quick pick banana with the awp.
*Player2, Player1, Player3 move up banana as quietly as possible.
*Player4 watches middle.
*Player5 watches apartment and alt-middle.
*Player2 lays down smoke cutting off CT spawn from banana.
*Player1 flashes into banana site.
*Sit back and wait for CTs to flash/nade back.
*Player5 distracts at main site with smokes flashes mid.
*Player1 lays down his smoke in the same place Player2 did blocking CT spawn from banana site.
*Player1, Player2, Player3 Unload flashes, then fall back to main site.
*The whole team will fall back banana then come middle and take the main site, except Player5 who goes apartment.
*Plant bomb and cover bomb.

Banana Split: (Player5 has bomb)
*Player3, Player5 go banana. Try for quick pick, then wait quietly.
*Player4 watches CT window room(alt-mid) from balcony of the apartment building.
*Player2, Player1 move up under the CT window room in alt-middle.
*Player2 throws a small fake by flashing mid, smoking mid, then falling back to a save place.
*Wait for CT counterflashes at mid.
*Player4 falls down from balcony and moves to under window room.
*Player1 flashes then smokes out right side of middle(side closest to apartment) to block any CTS on right side middle. Player4 also smokes out this side of mid.
*Flash both sides of middle then move up middle to ct spawn to banana.
*When Player2, Player1, Player4 are in CT spawn they call "flash banana".
*Player5 flashes banana site twice.
*All 5 team members converge on banana bomsite and take it together.
*Plant and cover bomb.

Main bomb site strat: (Player4 has bomb)
*Player2 stays at banana/middle area to watch flank.
*Player5 tries to rush apartment and get quick kill there. DON'T rush all the way out the back, just rush into it to see if any CTs push up.
*Player3 watches CT alt-mid window room from balcony.
*Player1, Player4 move up alt-mid under the window.
*Player1 flashes mid, lays down smoke at mid then falls back to a save place.
*Wait for CT flashes/nades.
*Player4 boosts Player1 into CT window room. If you have trouble doing this, give it up after a few tries and Player1 can just go with Player4 and Player3.
*Player3 meets up with Player4 under window room in alt-middle.
*Player4 flashes and smokes out left middle(library side). Player3 also smokes left mid.
*Player4, Player3, flash both sides of mid and push of mid, Player1 pushes out front apartment door, and Player5 delays out of back of apartment.
*Take the main bomb site, plant, and cover bomb.
*Timing is a key to this strat.

Spread Strat: (Player2 has bomb)
*Player3, Player5 work banana.
*Player2 and Player4 can work middle.
*Player1 can work the apartment.
*This is just a spread the team out and get picks strat. If the other team likes to push a lot, this could be a good strat as long as your team is smart enough to sit back and wait for the pushing CTs.

source :counterstrikestrats

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This entry was posted on Sunday, September 13, 2009 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Thanks for the post buddy.... i will try them all.

Very innovative! thanks for sharing the tips which will prove to be very helpful in future as well…

Great post and thanks for this information.

This is the best of all as because it remarks that on such date of 11th hour world get the rest of being fighting with each other.

This strategy is awesome . I personally know a sniper who can block both ally and middle from one spot .It crate a huge advantage for terrorists to attack .A good sniper can defend full A site easily.

Beautiful blog. Neatly designed. Keep it up.

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